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Attend HRM Help
- Salary group

Iterface to maintain the Salary groups in an organization. The employees of an organization can be divided into many groups like Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D etc. These groups will be entitled specific salary heads.Salry Group interface allows the administrator to

  1.  - Create a Salary Group
  2.  - Delete a Salary Group
  3. Entitle the Groups with salary heads
  4. Specify the type and amount of salary head

Overview Screen: Lists the Salary Groups

Detail Screen: Displays the Group details.

The screen has the following information:

Group name Name of the Salary Group 
Description Description of the Salary Group 
Child Overview Screen Lists the Salary Heads entitled to the Group (shown in the above screenshot)

The salary heads can be used in the formula only in the order they are saved. Ex. In above screen, Salary Head 'Basic Pay' can be used in a formula defined for any salary head defined below 'Basic Pay'. 'Overtime' cannot be used in formula defined for 'Conveyance Allowance' or 'Dearness Allowance', since 'Overtime' is defined below 'CA' and 'DA'. The 'Up' and 'Down' arrow buttons on the right hand side are used to order the Salary Heads as required.

Every Salary Group has its own Child Overview and Detail screen to add Salary Heads. As shown above the detail screen displays the child overview screen for selected Salary Group.

Child Detail Screen: Displays the Salary Head details

The screen has the following information:

Salary Head Available Salary Heads 
Value  The value can be fixed, formula or  rate as selected in the dropdown menu. Either a fixed value can be defined, or a formula can be defined , or a rate can be specified.
Round Type  Round type for the salary head. Ex. Round to nearest integer, lower integer, higher integer, or round to two digits etc.
Formula  If the value is derived by a calculation, a formula can be defined using formula editor 
Slab Slab is displayed only if the salary head uses a slab to calculate the value. Ex: Professional Tax

Formula Editor: Interface for defining formula for calculating Salary Head values.

Formula Editor has the following fields:

Variables Lists the variables available. Ex: Rate pre hour, rate pre day, days worked etc 
Salary Heads Lists the Salary Heads available(already defined) for use
Attendance Types  Lists the Attendance Types defined earlier
Leave Balance  Employee's leave balance for the salary period 
Operators  Operators required to define any formula 
Functions Functions required to define formula. Ex: Average, Maximum, Minimum etc

All the Attendance Types values, leave balance values etc are for the defined salary period.

A formula can be defined by selecting required variables, salary heads, attendance types, operators and functions. For example, the formula for overtime wages can be the amount  per hour of overtime multiplied by hours of overtime done, thus the formula is [Rate Per Hour] * {Overtime}. Smilarly the formula for DA can be defined as 40*{Basic Pay}/100. The 'Verify' button is used to verify if the formula is correct or not.

In case a slab is used to calculate the value for the salary head, for example Professional Tax, Select 'Slab is OFF' option to 'Slab is ON'. A slab can be defined by the user. Let's consider the Salary head 'Professional Tax'. Basic pay of the employee defines the amount of professional tax. Thus the salary head used to calculate is 'Basic Pay' and value is resulting from the slab defined.

Values for the 'Maximum', 'Result' field in the slab can be keyed in by the user. The '+' and '-' buttons in the right hand side are used to add or delete the rows in the slab respectively.

Note: A Salary Head can be assigned to a Salary Group only once. The Salay Head dropdown menu will display the Salary Heads that have not yet been assigned to the Group.

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