Interface to maintain email account. Attend HRM allows user to email pay slips to employees directly instead of printing and distributing. In order to enable this functionality user has to set up an email account from which the emails will be sent. User can set up more than one email accounts.
Overview Screen: Lists the email accounts available
Detail Sreen: Allows to view/add/modify/delete the details of the selected email account
Screen has the following information:
*Account Name | Name for the email account |
Shared | If the email account is used in client access or not(server version) |
*Display Name | Display name of email sender |
*Email Address | Email address of the sender |
Reply To | Email address for receiving replies to sent mails |
*Protocol | Select applicable protocol from drop down, SMTP or MAPI |
*Host | Mail Host |
*Port | Port open for mail service |
Authenticate | Whether or not to authenticate before sending mail from Attend HRM |
Login Id | Login id if required |
Password | Password if required |
Host | Host |
Port | Port number |
Autnenticate | Whether authentication is required before sending emails or not |
Login Id | Login Id as required |
Password | Password |
Note: 1) At a time only one email account can be default. The account in which user clicks 'Set as Default' button, will be the default account.
2) * Mandatory Information.These information has to be supplied before saving.
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