Interface to Close and Reopen a Salary Period. This inteface is a wizard which allows the administrator to Close/Process and also Reopen the current Salary Period.
Closing Current Salary Period:
When the current Salary Period is still Open /Unprocessed the wizard allows the administrator to Close/Process the Salary Period.
The Wizard displays the following in each step on clicking 'NEXT' button.
- Employees list who have no Payslip
- Employee list whose Payslip is to be verified
Click 'Finish' button to close the salary period.
Reopening Current Salary Period
When the current Salary Period is already closed or processed the wizard allows the administrator to Reopen the closed Salary Period.
Click 'Finish' button to reopen the salary period.
Note:A closed Salary Period cannot be altered or deleted. To alter or delete the Salary Period it has to be reopened.
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