Interface to generate the pay slip for employees.This interface allows the administrator to verify and generate payslips for the employees. Payslip module gathers the information from all other Salary modules to generate the Payslip.
The Overview Screen is same as in Employee interface (Employee module) displaying the employee details.
Child Overview Screen: Displays a grid listing the available Payslips of the selected employee.
Grid shows the Period details and the Net pay for the employee.
Child Detail View: Displays all the pay details
The Child Detail has the following details:
Pay Date | Salary pay date |
*Period Number | Number of the period, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
*Period Name | Name of the period, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
*Start Date | Period start date, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
*End Date | Period end date, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
Payment Mode | Mode of payment |
Bank | Name of bank used for payment, List the banks added through Bank List |
Bank Account Number | Account number |
Payment Details | Details if any |
Credited From | Lists the Employers Banks and account number |
Remarks | Remarks if any |
Earnings grid | Lists the Earnings entitled to the employee |
Deductions grid | Lists the Deductions entitled to the employee |
*Total Earnings | Sum total of all the earnings entitled to the employee |
*Total Deductions | Sum total of all the deductions entitled to the employee |
*Net Pay | Net calculated pay for the employee |
*Days worked | Number of days worked by the employee |
*Rate Per Hour | Rate of pay per hour |
*Rate Per Day | Rate of pay per day |
Verified | Should be checked if the Pay slip is verified manually |
Earnings Overview and Deductions Overview lists the Earnings and deductions of the employee respectively.
The earnings detail view and deductions detail view displays the details of the earning and deduction selected respectively.Ex. Let's select the deduction 'Professional Tax'.
The Earnings Detail View and the Deductions Detail View has the following information:
*Salary Head | Salary Head entitled to the employee |
*Value, Type | Value of the salary head and its type |
*Formula | Formula fro the salary head |
*Amount | Amount of salary head |
*Calculation History | Displays the Salary Head used in formula and the value considered |
Note: The 'Slab is ON' button is visible only for salary heads that use a slab, Ex. Professinal Tax. On clicking the button the slab defined in the Salary Group for calculating the salary head value is displayed.
* These fields are read only and will be generated automatically.
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