Interface to manage the aloowances of the employees. This functionality allows to
- Define allowances, allowance values and a period for the allowances
- Select employees eligible for the allowance
- Delete allowances
Overview Screen: Lists the periods of the allowances
Detail Screen: Displays the employees who are eligible for the allowances
The child overview displays all the allowances available for the employees.
Child Detail Screen: Displays the allowance values for selected employee
Child detail screen has the following informations
*Overtime Duration | This value comes from the attendance module |
Rate Per Hour | Rate of pay per hour of overtime |
Overtime Wages | Automatically calculated as Overtime Duration multiplied by amount per hour |
Tiffin Incentive | Tiffin incentive |
Monthly Incentive | Regular monthly incentive value |
Attendance Incentive | Incentive given based on attendance |
Net Allowance | Total allowance |
Note: *Read only field, value acquired from attendance.
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