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So far Vineeth Jose has created 89 blog entries.

How to lock the attendance of employees in Lenvica HRMS?

Lenvica HRMS lets the user to lock the attendance of employees until the desired date and time. This helps in preserving the attendance of employees from the unwanted changes occurring either due to manual interference or via online employee self service. For e.g. it is not likely to make changes in the attendance once the [...]

How to lock the attendance of employees in Lenvica HRMS?

Backup Database

Lenvica HRMS database backup can be taken directly from the software. A quick backup of database is recommended prior any major changes is done in Lenvica HRMS like updating or major change of attendance or salary policies. In such scenarios it won't be feasible to rely on the scheduled automatic backup of DB as usually [...]

Backup Database

Attendance Import Process

'Attendance Import' refers to the process of updating the attendance based on the attendance punch entries of the employees and the various attendance policies defined by the user in Lenvica HRMS. Attendance punch entries are obtained either from the time attendance devices, online punching feature in employee self service, manual punching, import of punches using [...]

Attendance Import Process

Leave Entitlement (Direct Method)

Leaves entitled to an employee can be updated directly in the software. Leaves consumed by the employee will be deducted from leaves credited to the employee as entitlement in the software. User can get a detailed report of leave balance and usage if the leave entitlements are defined in the software and the leaves taken [...]

Leave Entitlement (Direct Method)

Email Configuration

An email account has to be created in Lenvica HRMS to send out various mails required to be sent from the software. Alerts for absenteeism, late entries, insufficient hours of clocking, email Payslips, custom e-mails to employees etc can be configured to be sent from Lenvica HRMS. An email account has to configured for these [...]

Email Configuration

How to apply, approve or reject leave applications of employees in Lenvica HRMS?

Leaves consumed by the employees has to be updated rightly in Lenvica HRMS in order to maintain a proper attendance record of employees. Leave requests can be raised by the employees through their employee self service, which will be forwarded to their reporting manager. Reporting manager can choose to approve or reject the leave request [...]

How to apply, approve or reject leave applications of employees in Lenvica HRMS?

How to import leave entitlements into Lenvica HRMS using excel?

Entitlements given to the employee for each leave type can be updated in Lenvica HRMS using an excel(CSV) file. The count of leaves in credit for each employee will be different as the consumption of leaves would be different for all. In such cases, an option to import from excel file comes in handy for [...]

How to import leave entitlements into Lenvica HRMS using excel?

Attendance Reimport Data

Attendance 'Reimport Data' refreshes the attendance of employees in the software from the date and time chosen by the user. Attendance is updated in Lenvica HRMS through the punches dropped by the employees in the time attendance devices or through online punching via employee self service or via excel import. It automatically updates the attendance [...]

Attendance Reimport Data

External Attendance Import

Lenvica HRMS automatically updates the attendance of employees who have punched in the time attendance devices at the office. It also records the online punches that employees have dropped through Employee self service and updates the attendance screen and reports. In cases where it isn't viable to use any of the above mentioned resources, Lenvica [...]

External Attendance Import

How to add employer in Lenvica HRMS software?

User can add the employer into Lenvica HRMS and upload the logo. Add Employer In module Employer, go to 'Employer' and add(+) to define the employer in Lenvica HRMS. As shown in the video above, fill the fields like Employer name, address etc. Please note that the [...]

How to add employer in Lenvica HRMS software?
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