Leaves consumed by the employees has to be updated rightly in Lenvica HRMS in order to maintain a proper attendance record of employees. Leave requests can be raised by the employees through their employee self service, which will be forwarded to their reporting manager. Reporting manager can choose to approve or reject the leave request and this will be automatically updated in Lenvica HRMS. In case, if the employee self service isn’t available, it is the sole responsibility of HR or the person who administer the Lenvica HRMS application to update the leaves taken by employees into the software. User can use the Leave Application screen under the leave module to raise the application for leave on behalf of the employee and update the approval status.

Bio-metric Devices

Leave Application

  • In ‘Leave Application’, under the leave module, select the employee for who the leave application has to be raised. Double click on the employee.
  • As shown in the video, Add(+) to raise a new application of leave under the tab ‘Leaves Pending for Approval’. Choose the leave type, specify the date from which the leave is required and the date until which the leave is required has to be filled in the ‘To’ field. State the reason for leave and you can update the status by choosing from the drop down list, ‘Pending’, ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’. The status of leave request can either be updated in this screen or in ‘Leave Approval’ The leaves will be automatically updated in the attendance of the employee.

Leave Settings

Prior to raising the leave request on behalf of an employee it is must to know the leave policies configured in the software. There are a few settings which affect the leave requests we raise here. For e.g. The setting to restrict leave application if an employee doesn’t have enough balance will not allow to place a request of leave if the balance is zero. Settings are available in ‘Leave Settings’ and a few settings are configured in Attendance types under General module, when we create the type itself.

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