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  • Nisa
    Post count: 13

    ESI stands for Employee State Insurance managed by the Employee State Insurance Corporation which is an autonomous body created by the law under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
    Any Company having more than 10 employees (in some states it is 20 employees) who have a maximum salary of Rs. 15000/- has to mandatorily register itself with the ESIC. It is the statutory responsibility of the employer under Section 2-A of the Act read with Regulation 10-B, to register the Factory/Establishment under the ESI Scheme within 15 days from the date of its applicability to them.

    ESI Registration Procedure: Documents Required

    The following documents are required for registering under the ESI scheme:

    1. A registration certificate or a license obtained under Shops and Establishment Act or Factories Act;

    2. Certificate of registration (Memorandum and Articles of Association in case of a private limited company, partnership deed for LLPs, etc);

    3. Certificate of registration for all entities and commencement of production for factories;

    4. A list of employees with their monthly compensation, in detail;

    5. A list of directors, partners, and shareholders of the company;

    6. The PAN card of the business and address proof of the establishment/firm;

    7. Bank statements of the organization, with evidence of commencement of operation

    Once the documents are ready, the company can apply for registration by submitting the Employer’s Registration Form (Form-1) to the concerned Regional Office and obtain an identification number called the Code number which is to be used in all the Correspondence relating to the Scheme. Employees registered under the scheme get an ESI card after submitting a form with photographs and details of family members. Although the registration is permanent, and the number is valid for the lifetime of the company, any new changes, such as employee additions, need to be intimated to the ESI.

    Post count: 13

    Yes, You can enable this feature in ESS. Go to Administration module in Lenvica HRMS HRMS software and select ESS Rights. Choose the Employee group that you are assigned to. Navigate to Subordinates module and Enable Subordinates Approvals. Login to ESS portal. Now you can see the approvals pending of your subordinates and you can take action for that request, You can choose to Accept/Reject options.

    Post count: 13

    Lenvica HRMS payroll software has multiple yearly reports. The Yearly Salary Summary report shows all the salary periods separately, with the total of Netpay of all the periods for each employee, and Yearly overall total.
    Lenvica HRMS payroll software also has Yearly Salary Details report, which shows the details of the salary paid by different salary heads in each salary periods.
    You can also get the summaries about Earnings, Deductions, Location wise and Depatrment wise Earnings and Deductions Reports with currency in Lenvica HRMS MIS module.

    Post count: 13

    The primary similarity between the RFID based attendance system and a biometric attendance system is that they both automatically keep track of when employees enter and leave an area. The main difference between a biometric attendance system and an RFID based attendance system is that the RFID based attendance system uses tags, which can be exchanged between employees, while a biometric attendance system uses organic matter that cannot be exchanged. This makes stealing time from a place of work much more difficult because it removes the chances that buddy punching will work. Normal systems use employee identification numbers or punch cards to record when an employee enters or leaves an area, RFID based attendance systems use tags which can be exchanged among employees, but fingerprints or retinas are not able to be shared.

    Another difference is that the biometric attendance system requires the employee to actively scan his or her fingerprint in order for the system to register that he or she is there. With an RFID based attendance system, the tags will be scanned immediately when the person enters an area.

    Biometric attendance systems are much more adept at keeping time theft to a minimum, and it is considered to be the superior attendance system.

    At the same time, RFID devices can perform better compared to fingerprint devices, if you have a large workforce to manage. But, Face recognition devices offer similar performance and good accuracy when compared to RFID devices. Biometric devices with support for Face, Finger, and RFID are available, so, it’s probably wiser to use a device with multiple options.

    Post count: 13

    Hello Abaeze,

    Your query relates to section 8 of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, which aims to regulate the amount of bonus paid to the persons employed in certain establishments based on their profits and productivity. The act is applicable to the whole of India for all establishments containing twenty or more persons employed on any day during the year.

    Eligibility for Bonus – Any employee receiving salary or wages up to RS.21,000 per month and engaged in any work whether skilled, unskilled, managerial, supervisory, etc. is entitled to the bonus for every year if the employees have worked for not less than 30 working days in the same year.

    Post count: 13

    Yes, you can schedule a task to a backup database. You can schedule regular backups to an external hard drive, network drive or in the cloud. You can schedule for a month, week or day of midnight. We recommend to automatic backup at least twice a day in the Lenvica HRMS time attendance software. It will automatically run and store the database in the location you have specified.
    Following is the document to schedule automated backups of the Lenvica HRMS Database.

    Post count: 13

    Hi Smitha,
    Lenvica HRMS helps you automate the professional tax calculation for Kerala. As you process payroll, professional tax gets automatically calculated as per the rules. Lenvica HRMS also has a report that describes professional tax to be paid, and the amount to be deducted from employees each month. Since the professional tax has to be paid even before salary is processed for August and September in the first half-year(February and March in the second half-year), the software uses data projection to arrive at half-yearly wages out of which the professional tax is calculated. The report even includes a calculation history for you to understand how professional tax is calculated for each employee.

    Post count: 13

    Every person engaged actively or otherwise in any profession, trade, callings or employment and falling under one or the other of the clauses mentioned in the second column of Schedule I appended to Profession Tax Act, is liable to pay Profession Tax.

    Professional tax is based on the company not based on citizenship.

    Lenvica HRMS has a module for Professional Tax. Lenvica HRMS supports fully automated half-yearly PT Calculation for States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry and monthly PT calculation for the other states in India like Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, etc. The Lenvica HRMS payroll software also has many reports on Professional Tax. Professional tax calculated through the payroll software is automatically considered for exemption in Income Tax. Form 16 pulled from Lenvica HRMS Payroll software will have the PT value exempted.

    Post count: 13

    Lenvica HRMS Shift Management Software displays all the details of employees scheduled for each shift. Lenvica HRMS has another module named MIS, Management Information System is very useful for the top management. MIS module displays all the shifts scheduled, with details of each shift including the number of employees planned, the number of employees available, and so on.

    And Lenvica HRMS Shift Management Software uses a perpetual calendar for shift assignments so there is no limit and you can schedule as far into the future as you need. Lenvica HRMS keeps all details on shifts and employee schedules!

    Post count: 13

    Hi Adeela, Please be informed that there is no age limit for the payment of bonuses. As per your post, the employee is eligible for the Employee bonus. He is rightly claiming bonus from you if are paying bonus to other employees under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. read more at

    Post count: 13

    Yes! ZKTeco PUSH devices are compatible with Lenvica HRMS. Lenvica HRMS can either directly connect with ZKTeco devices, or connect to ZKTeco WDMS Software. You can use both software simultaneously.

    Post count: 13

    Yes, this Automated Payroll Processing software makes your payroll processing much easier and saves you lots of time and money. The software allows you to define your attendance and payroll rules and processes payroll based on data from attendance, leave, and so on.

    Post count: 13

    Yes, Your employees can punch when they reach their working spots. Each online punching will be stored in the database with Geo-Location and punching time(taken from the server) and marked in Attendance. And You can track the routes of your employee from ESS with tracking map and Punch details. The tracking map shows routes from the first IN punch to the Last OUT punch in a day.

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