
Earned Leave

Earned Leave(EL) also called Privilege Leave is a leave earned by an employee for the period worked. An employee usually is eligible for earned leave only after he completes 240 days of work with the company. And he usually earns one Earned Leave for every 20 days of work. These figures may vary according [...]

Earned Leave

Casual Leave

Casual Leave(CL) is a leave granted to employees when they are unable to report to work due to an unforeseen situation. Every employee is entitled for a fixed number of casual leaves each year. Employees can apply for Casual Leave when they have unforeseen situations such as Death of a relative, Medical emergency for [...]

Casual Leave

Day Off

Day off is a day in a week where employees are allowed to rest. Employees need sufficient rest depending on the work they do. Usually companies allow employees to rest for 1 or 2 days in a week, these days are called Day Off(Weekly Off). Most of the companies have day offs during the [...]

Day Off

Weekly Off

Weekly off is a day in a week where employees are allowed to rest. Employees need sufficient rest depending on the work they do. Usually companies allow employees to rest for 1 or 2 days in a week. Most of the companies have weekly off during the weekend. But, some companies have factories which [...]

Weekly Off

Sick Leave

Sick leave also called Medical Leave is paid time off from work that employees can use to address their health needs without losing pay. Sick Leave is intended for health-related purposes. Some companies also allow sick leaves to care for sick family members How to apply for Sick Leave? Companies [...]

Sick Leave

Medical Leave

Medical leave also called sick leave is paid time off from work that employees can use to address their health needs without losing pay. Medical Leave is intended for health-related purposes. Some companies also allow medical leave to care for sick family members. How to apply for Medical Leave? Companies usually offer a fixed number of [...]

Medical Leave


What is HRMS? What is the expansion of HRMS? HRMS' stands for 'Human Resources Management System'. It refers to a suite of software that organizations use to manage internal HR functions. An HRMS software usually includes modules such as employee management, recruitment, training, employee attendance, leave, payroll, employee appraisal, Shift Management, Employee Self [...]



What is HRIS? What is the expansion of HRIS? HRIS' stands for 'Human Resources Information System'. It refers to a suite of software that organizations use to manage internal HR functions. An HRIS software usually includes modules such as employee management, recruitment, training, employee attendance, leave, payroll, employee appraisal, Shift Management, Employee Self [...]


Advance Repayment

An employer can make advance payments to an employee to cover travel expenses or to make a purchase for the company and so on. Also, an employee may request for a salary advance to meet an emergency. In such cases, the amount paid in advance is repaid by the employee later or is adjusted [...]

Advance Repayment


Absenteeism is the practice of regularly failing to turn up for work. If an employee is absent Lenvica HRMS will mark the day as absent, as shown below. You can configure Lenvica HRMS to notify you with an alert email when an employee is absent. The system can also [...]

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