
Salary Group

A Salary Group is a collection of Salary heads and is generally called a Salary Structure. In Lenvica HRMS, a Salary Group is created for each group of employees with a similar Salary Structure. You should create your salary heads before picking them to form a Salary Group. [...]

Salary Group

Import employee Punch data from excel sheets

Lenvica HRMS can communicate with Time Attendance devices; so, the punch data comes into the software in almost real-time, without any manual intervention. But, at times, you may want to regularly import punch data from text or excel files. For eg: Weekly Punch data for overtime prepared by the production team or monthly punch data [...]

Import employee Punch data from excel sheets

Migrating payroll from Excel to Lenvica HRMS in minutes!

Processing payroll for a small group of people for a few months is easy with Microsoft Excel. But as your employee size grows, it will be difficult to continue with Excel. As you will have formula embedded in each excel cell, it's easy to make mistakes. Comparing payroll for two different months would be really [...]

Migrating payroll from Excel to Lenvica HRMS in minutes!

View Payslips

Your subordinates can view their payslip by following these steps: Go to Payroll > View Payslips 2. This screen lists all the payslips [...]

View Payslips

Holiday Picker

Holiday Picker allows your subordinates to pick their holidays. You should define the holidays so that your subordinates can pick them. You may define the holidays at the beginning of the year. You may define more holidays than your subordinates are allowed to take, and give them the [...]

Holiday Picker

Send Email

This feature allows you to send emails to a particular group of employees. When sending an email from a mail client, you have to pick the recipients by name; but Lenvica HRMS helps you to pick recipients by a criteria. For eg. You may want to send an email to the Sales Managers, or to [...]

Send Email

How to lock the attendance of employees in Lenvica HRMS?

Lenvica HRMS lets the user to lock the attendance of employees until the desired date and time. This helps in preserving the attendance of employees from the unwanted changes occurring either due to manual interference or via online employee self service. For e.g. it is not likely to make changes in the attendance once the [...]

How to lock the attendance of employees in Lenvica HRMS?

Backup Database

Lenvica HRMS database backup can be taken directly from the software. A quick backup of database is recommended prior any major changes is done in Lenvica HRMS like updating or major change of attendance or salary policies. In such scenarios it won't be feasible to rely on the scheduled automatic backup of DB as usually [...]

Backup Database
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