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  • Vineeth
    Post count: 97

    Hello Payal,

    We appreciate you reporting to us.

    To solve the above, please ensure first that a file by the name 'ReportMan.ocx' is there in the location '….AttendHRM\BIn' (i.e inside the Lenvica HRMS installation folder there is folder called Bin, you should check for ReportMan.ocx inside that folder)

    Open Command Prompt, change the directory to "….AttendHRM\Bin" and run the below commands in order:
    regsvr32 -u reportman.ocx
    regsvr32 reportman.ocx

    Please refer the attached image of command prompt screenshots with the commands you should run.

    I hope the above solves it for you.


    Post count: 97

    Hello Payal,

    Thank you for attaching the sample formats.

    As rightly said, it is certainly a tough task to create experience certificates or any other documents in bulk for employees. The solution we have to offer is a new feature called Document Builder added in Lenvica HRMS. This will help you create documents for any number of employees in just few seconds.
    You have to upload the template of experience certificate once to the software. Again, when you require experience certificates all you must do is select the template and employees. The software will automatically merge the employee details to the corresponding fields in the experience certificate template and will generate the experience certificates for all employees at once. You can save, take print outs or even e-mail it to the employees.

    You can watch the below explanatory video on Document Builder which will make it easy for you to create any documents like experience certificate, offer letter, salary increment letter etc.

    Please see the attached image which is created with document builder wherein the fields are merged, it follows the same format you shared. With this merged fields template when you pull the experience certificate document next time, it will have the fields fetched automatically from the database and will generate the certificate in seconds.

    I hope the above helps.

    Thank you,


    Post count: 97

    Usually in Firms while issuing Experience certificates, I don't see the practice of including any work nature/fields of employees in detail on the Experience Certificate. They tend to exclude all data except years of service and the designation.
    Where as in companies related to production or those of more technical aspects, do seem to follow this while issuing certificate of experience. Certificate includes the details about the experience that the employee has in various fields.
    Such companies deliver Experience Certificates which clearly points out the projects that one employee has done and his performance detail. However such decisions of altering the experience certificate format has to be taken by the Top most authorities of the Company with the consent of the Management.
    Speaking about the Human Resource Management software Lenvica HRMS, it's compatible with any kind of Experience Certificate format. It generates experience certificates which are pure replicas of the template you've uploaded.
    E-mailing the certificates of experience to the employees is not a common formality seen in India but if you have a Digital form of experience certificate developed by systems then you could do it, even some companies already practice it. In Lenvica HRMS you could auto generate the Experience Certificate and using the option of sending mails to employees you could very easily forward your certificate to the employees.


    Post count: 97

    Hi Payl,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    A few formats for experience certificate are attached. I'm sure you would like them.

    But wouldn’t it be difficult to generate experience certificates for each employee manually?

    AttendHRM, in its coming version has added a new feature which would automatically generate experience certificates, appointment orders, conduct certificates, and so on from templates provided.

    Hope this helps.


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