Salary Figures corresponding to each salary heads in the salary card of employees can be bulk updated directly in the software. User can update the value directly or opt to update from salary master or salary group.

Copy Salary Master Value

  • In Salary -> Salary Card, click on the icon on left side bottom corner as shown in the video.
  • Wizard pops up to select the employees. After the selection of employees, select the salary head to update the value in the field ‘Salary Head’. The employees will be listed on the screen.

  • You can click on the button ‘Copy Salary Master Value’ to copy and update the salary card value of the selected with values shown on the salary master.

  • Save and Finish to complete the process of updating the salary card value of the salary head selected with salary master value for all the employees or for the particular employees selected.

Copy Salary Group Value

  • In Salary -> Salary Card, click on the icon on left side bottom corner as shown in the video.
  • Wizard pops up to select the employees. After the selection of employees, select the salary head to update the value in the field ‘Salary Head’. The employees will be listed on the screen.

  • You can click on the button ‘Copy Salary Group Value’ to copy and update the salary card value of the selected with values shown on the salary master.
  • Save and Finish to complete the process of updating the salary card value of the salary head selected with salary master value for all the employees or for the particular employees selected.

Update Salary Card Value

User can update the salary head selected with a value different from what is in salary group or salary master or in case there are no values in salary group or master for that particular salary head. After selecting the salary head, click on the blank field under the salary card value column and give the figure to be updated. Likewise you can update value for the employees selected and then click on Save and Finish to complete the process. If the value you are to update is common for all employees, you can enter the salary card value field for anyone employee and on pressing F3, the values will be copied to all employees, then Save and Finish.