Module ‘Employee’ helps you to manage data related to your most important asset, your employees. This help document gives you an overview of the module ‘Employee’.
‘Employee’ stores personal, contact, and employment related data against each employee.

The screen also allows you to create multiple lists of employees according to your own criteria which can be exported to excel.

‘Documents’ allows you to keep multiple documents in different formats against each employee. The documents can be published to individual employees over the ‘Employee Self Service’. You can also bulk upload documents against employees.

‘Groups’ allows you to organize employees into multiple groups. You can assign ‘ESS Rights’ to each group. Also, Multi Shift Plans can be
assigned to selected employee groups.

‘Gangs’ allows you to organize employees into exclusive groups.

‘Attendance Import Settings’ are assigned to gangs of employees.

‘Dependents’ allows you to keep details of Dependents of each employee.

‘Hierarchy’ allows you set multi-level hierarchy of employees.

‘Passport’ helps you manage employee Passports and expiry.

‘Visa’ help you manage multiple employee Visa and expiry.

‘Send Email’ allows you to email to a set of employees who meet a particular criteria. For eg. Email to all employees with 5 years or more of service.

‘Send SMS’ allows you to SMS to a set of employees who meet a particular criteria. For eg. Invite all ‘Sales Executives’ to a meeting

‘Import’ allows you to import Employee Data from a text or excel file.

‘Custom Fields’ allows you to add user-defined fields to keep employee data. For eg. You can add a new field to store ‘Spouse Name’.

‘Disciplinary Action’ allows you to keep track of offences made by employees and the action taken.

‘Document Builder’ allows you to create employee documents in seconds. For eg. You can create experience certificate for 10 employees in less than one minute.

‘Employee Reports’ lists reports for module ‘Employee’.

‘Employee Settings’ shows options to configure module ‘Employee’.

Module ‘Employee’ brings all data related to an employee in one place. Also provides alerts in various occasions like employee birthday, passport expiry, work anniversary and so on.
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