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  • sidharth
    Post count: 6

    Hello sarah,

    Under the salary module take click on professional tax. And click on the add button, so that a screen may appear on your screen which looks like the attachment. specify the salary range and specify the tax. Thereby you can set your tax slabs. This attachment was posted in my previous post.


    Post count: 6

    Some points to be noted

    1- check weather the date format of your excel file is exactly same as that of the software. If not we have to check the date format of the entire column and match it with the date format of the software and the server or remote PC in which the database file is kept.

    2- check weather while importing, the file is been opened or not. If it is opened try an import after closing the file which is minimized in the taskbar

    3- ensure that the file format which is saved is a .csv file

    4- try matching proper fields you want in the software to the fields in the excel file

    Post count: 6

    How to define tax if you have tax slabs:

    1- Create a salary head
    2- Go to salary group
    3- Select your group and add the head under the group and click on the check mark
    4- Click the group and set the formula in a mandatory field ‘value’ and in the drop down specify the tax slab formula which maybe pre defined
    5- Click ok
    6- Done

    An example of tax slab and the formula governing it is given below for reference


    IFF({Total Earnings Per Year}<=36000,0,      IFF({Total Earnings Per Year}<=72000,({Total Earnings Per Year}-36000)*5/100,        IFF({Total Earnings Per Year}<=108000,(1800+({Total Earnings Per Year}-72001)*12.5/100),  IFF({Total Earnings Per Year}<=144000,(6300+({Total Earnings Per Year}-108001)*18.75/100),  IFF({Total Earnings Per Year}>=144001,(13050+({Total Earnings Per Year}-144000)*25/100),0)))))

    If  tax is a specific integer value, then the second option mentioned in the second attachment is good. This option can be found in the salary module and selecting the professional tax option and thereby specifying your salary scale and its tax


    Post count: 6

    Hello Gautham,

    you can create your company's ESS, and can upload your companies logo in the ESS screen. for that what you have to do is simple.

    follow these steps

    1.  Go to; C: >Program Files (x86) >Lenvica HRMS >Web >img

    2.  Change the default logo to your logo.png. So that the same thing will reflect in the ESS

    point to be noted image size- 260×90

    Post count: 6

    Hello Gautham,

    Salary can also be imported like employee import. A sample salary import format is given




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