Post count: 46


Please find the tool to restore the 'Lenvica HRMS' database in the link below.

Run the downloaded utility and follow the instructions to restore the database.
1. Backup File Path [Default]: C:\Program Files\Lenvica HRMS\bin\Archive\DB\
2. Firebird Bin Folder [Default]: C:\Program Files\Lenvica HRMS\Firebird\bin\
3. Database Path [Default]: C:\Program Files\Lenvica HRMS\Data\
4. Server Name/IP[Default]: Localhost
5. Click 'Restore' button after assigning above parameters as per your environment.

Note: If you replace an open and running database, there is a good chance that you will corrupt it. For best results and minimal chance of corrupting a database, you should close 'Lenvica HRMS' application & 'Communicator' before replacing it.

After the restoration is completed, the database will automatically be opened again for use from Lenvica HRMS application.
