HR, Payroll, Attendance Software Forums Lenvica HRMS Ask a Question Not able to see the attendance report for the present week Re: Not able to see the attendance report for the present week

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Finally, we solved the issue online. But if you have been following this thread, here is what happened.

SPrajwal is working with Lenvica HRMS Enterprise. Lenvica HRMS Enterprise Server includes a small task bar application called 'Lenvica HRMS Communicator'. This application communicates with time attendance devices in real time. And this application was down. We restarted it, and everything is fine.

If you have a similar problem, the trouble shooting sequence is below:

Run Raw Punch Report(Time Registration – Reports) for the given period.
      IF the report shows data for the period
        Check Attendance Screen(Attendance – Attendance)
        Check Device Communication.
