Post count: 78


The Lenvica HRMS update from 3.8.44 you can directly import attendance data to attendance screen.
Please do the following things to import attendance

1. Update your Lenvica HRMS into version: 3.8.44 or above
2. click the 'External Import' icon in the 'Attendance' module
3. Select format
4. choose the File
5. Select the fields from import file and match it with a field in the system
6. Click Finish.

Note: If you want to edit or over right current data please clear the current data and use this import.

Import Format

Employee Id Employee Name Attendance Type Begin Time Begin Date End Time End Date
001                         John                        Work Time              09:00       02/02/2016   18:00     02/02/2016
002                         Joe                       Casual Leave     09:00       02/02/2016       18:00     02/02/2016

Note: File should be save in .csv format. The attendance types should exactly match with the types in the software