Vinod Krishnan
Post count: 9

Hi Alex,

Please follow the steps given below.

Exit from Lenvica HRMS
i) Open task Manager
ii) Close all attend.exe programs from Processes.
iii) Go to RUN. Type "services.msc" and enter
iv) From the processes listed close the process Firebird Guardian.
v) Secondly Close the Process Lenvica HRMS Controller.
Note: Controller may show a status of "stopping". In such cases restart your PC. Once PC reopens go to RUN. Type "services.msc" and enter. From the processes listed close the process Firebird Guardian.Then close the Process Lenvica HRMS Controller.Make sure the process Lenvica HRMS Controller is not running.
vi) Restart Firebird Guardian Process.
You will now notice that Attend Communicator is running from the taskbar.

You can now refresh the communicator and see the communicator history.

It will show the current date and time and the number of records read.

Hope this will solve your issue.
