Post count: 25

Dear Mr Payal,

Hope you are doing well.

CSDispacther is an important application for Lenvica HRMS as it keeps a log or record or all transactions in Lenvica HRMS. If ever any error message comes up the the software the support team will be able to track the same and resolve it before you know it.

Solution to your issue:

1) Either you can give the user a super user previlege and give this user complete previleges to Lenvica HRMS Folder.

2) You can also stop the function CSDispather from running. Please note that this method is not receomended as our support team will not be able to provide you a quick resolution on any errors that may come up.
a) Go to Installation Folder/Bin
b) Open CodeSite.ini in notepad
c) You will notice in 2 line written as "ENABLED=1".
d) CHange the same in both places as "ENABLED=0".
e) Save the same.
f) Now when you open Lenvica HRMS you will notice that CSDIspatcher function will not run.

Hope the provided Resolution was satisfactory. Please do let me if any queries come up.

Abhishek Nair