How to cancel compensatory off

To cancel compensatory off, follow these steps: Go to Compensatory Work/Off > Comp Off Cancellation > Application 2. From the list of Approved Compensatory Offs, click on the off you want to cancel [...]

How to cancel compensatory off

How to apply compensatory off

To apply compensatory off, follow these steps: Go to Compensatory Work/Off > Compensatory Off > Application 2. Select date for applying compensatory off 3. Enter reason for applying in Comments. Click Apply [...]

How to apply compensatory off

How to cancel compensatory work

To cancel an approved compensatory work, follow these steps: Go to Compensatory Work/Off > Comp Work Cancellation > Application 2. From the list of Approved Compensatory Work Done, click on the work you want to cancel 3. Click [...]

How to cancel compensatory work

How to apply compensatory work

To apply compensatory work, follow these steps: Go to Compensatory Work/Off > Compensatory Work > Application 2. Select date for applying compensatory work 3. Enter reason for applying in comments. Click Apply [...]

How to apply compensatory work
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