About Sujit Manoharan

Business Consultant

How to cancel a leave

To cancel an approved leave, follow these steps: 1. Go to Leave > Leave Cancellation > Application 2. From the list of Approved Leaves, click on the leave you want to cancel [...]

How to cancel a leave

How to apply for leave

To apply for leave, follow these steps: 1. Go to Leave > Leave > Application 2. From the Leave Type drop-down, select the [...]

How to apply for leave

Lenvica HRMS Excel Import Formats

External Attendance Count Import External Attendance Type Import Employee Import Leave Entitlement Import Raw Punch Import Salary Import Day Program Import Sample - Days in Rows Shift Import Format -Days in Columns

Lenvica HRMS Excel Import Formats

Top 8 features every HR software should have

With Document builder, Lenvica HRMS helps you create a variety of documents such as Appointment Letter, Experience Certificate, Offer Letter, Confirmation Letter, Transfer Letter, Promotion Letter, Relieving Letter, Letter of Increment, Termination Letter, Resignation Letter, Appreciation Letter, Warning Letter, and so on in almost no time. Just pick the type of document, and the employees [...]

Top 8 features every HR software should have
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