Conveyance or Transport Allowance in India

Conveyance allowance, also called Transport Allowance is an allowance offered to employees of a company through their salary to compensate expenses for their commute from residence to respective workplace location and vice versa. Allowances are generally offered to employees on top of their basic salary component and may or may not be taxable as per the Income Tax Act.

Conveyance or Transport Allowance in India

House Rent Allowance (HRA)

House Rent Allowance, or commonly known as HRA, is an amount which is paid by employers to employees as a part of their salaries. This is basically done as it helps provide employees with tax benefits towards the payment for accommodations every year. The decision of how much HRA needs to be paid to the employee is made by the employer on the basis of a number of different criteria such as the salary and the city of residence. Regulated by the provisions of Section 10(13A) of the IT Act, the house rent allowance serves to be quite beneficial to salaried employees in India.

House Rent Allowance (HRA)

Labour Welfare Fund for Employees in India

>Labour welfare fund is a statutory contribution managed by individual state authorities. The state labour welfare board determines the amount and frequency of the contribution. The contribution and periodicity of remittance differs with every state. In some states the periodicity is annual (Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu etc) and in some states it is to be contributed during the month of June & December (Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra etc). Labour welfare is an aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need. It provides facilities to labourers in order to improve their working conditions, provide social security, and raise their standard of living.

Labour Welfare Fund for Employees in India
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