The Payroll Software that solves all your payroll issues!
Your search for the payroll software that solves all your payroll related issues ends here! Lenvica HRMS has a complete payroll solution that automates all your payroll processes. Configure your payroll rules, and leave the rest to Lenvica HRMS, it saves you lots of time spend fixing your payroll issues.
The Payroll software is designed with at most flexibility. The software can be customized as per your requirements. The basic Salary software features can be used all across the world, also satisfies Indian Salary software and salary requirements. The software is seamlessly integrated with the attendance software, which enables you to process payroll with attendance information.
Close integration among payroll, attendance, and leave management allows you to define your payroll formulae with ease. You can pay your employee for every minute of overtime he does. Also, you can cut pay for every minute he is late.
Payroll Software Features
- One click Salary Processing
- User defined Salary Heads
- User can define any number of salary heads as per his requirement.
- User defined Salary Structure
- The user can define different salary structures for different set of employees.
- User defined Formulae
- User can define his own formula with the formula editor.
- Import of Salary Details.
- Bonus (India)
- Define your own formula for bonus calculation. Bonus can be paid for any duration, quarterly, half yearly or yearly.
- PF (India)
- ESI (India)
- Gratuity (India)
- Professional Tax (India)
- TDS, Income Tax (India)
- Customizable Pay Slips
- Pay slips can be customized as per the company requirements.
- Payslips with YTD
- Calculation History for each payslip
- Statutory Reports – PF, ESI and more (India)
- Printable Challan Reports (India)
- Salary data export to Excel
- Bulk email of pay slips to all employees in one click
- Modification History for payroll data (Who changed what and when?)
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