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  • muneer
    Post count: 78
    in reply to: Database Backup #20272

    Hi Rahulji,

    We have an interface to create database backup in administration module.

    What do you want to do?

    Create a database backup
    Go to Administration > Backup
    Add a new database backup

    Backup Name: Name provided for the backup

    Description:  Backup description

    File Path:  Path of the backup file to be created

    Click save, then your backup will created in the selected folder.



    Post count: 78

    Hi Rahul,

    Good Morning!

    We can clear the employee name of admin. But you have to arrange an online session and contact our customer support executive.

    Only our support team can do this task.

    Please forward a mail to
    Create a ticket from


    Post count: 78

    Hi Rahulji,

    We are working on it. You will get an update on this April first.

    2017 Onwards: If Taxable Income is between 50L and 1 Cr, Surchage is 10% of income tax.

    15% of income tax, where total income exceeds 1 Cr.

    These are the changes in surcharge.

    If any corrections, write with us.


    Post count: 78


    Installation Requirements

    The software and hardware requirements are:

    Operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000 and above
    Computer with Intel Pentium III or higher
    Minimum 256 MB of RAM
    Minimum 40 MB of hard disk space (at installation)
    Recommended screen resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher               
    1. Only a windows user with administrative privilege can install Lenvica HRMS on a computer.

        2. Lenvica HRMS ships with Firebird 2.0 database server by default. Firebird 2.0 will be installed as a windows service and will be listening to the client requests on TCP port 3050. It is to be ensured that your firewall is not blocking port 3050 to ensure the proper functioning of the software.

    Post count: 78
    in reply to: Retirement Age #20257


    The default retirement age in our software is 62.
    It is possible to change the retirement age. Please contact our support team, only they team can do that thing.

    Create a ticket from our website regarding this.

    Post count: 78
    in reply to: Recurring Task #20253

    Recurring task

    In tasks under ess, we have an option for recurring tasks.

    Just simply do the following things:
    1. Create a task
    2. Click the recurring button   in the top
    3. Select the interval weekly and choose a due day
    4. Click save

    Then the task will recur if you completed that task.

    This option is available only in the Lenvica HRMS updates from 3.8.76


    Post count: 78
    in reply to: 503 internal error #20252

    Hi Rahul,

    Actually that is not our software issue, the IIS in your system is down because of some reason. Just do the following things to solve this issue.

    1. Open IIS Manager. (Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager)
    2. Double click on the the root of the tree ‘Connections’ (This will be computer name)
    3. Click application pool
    4. Right click on the default application pool and click start
    5. Restart the IIS and try again


    Post count: 78

    Add advance details of an employee:

    1. Go to Salary > Advance
    2. Locate an employee
    3. Go to the tab 'Advance'
    4. Add advance details

    [td]Interest Amount[/td]
    [td] Calculate the interest using interest calculator[/td]

    [td]Recovery Mode [/td]
    [td] Whether recovery mode is Lumpsum or installments[/td]

    [td] The total amount paid, including interest[/td]

    [td]No of Installments[/td]
    [td] Specify the number of installments[/td]

    [td]Recovery Cycle[/td]
    [td] Recovery period like monthly, yearly etc.[/td]

    [td]Recover From[/td]
    [td] Specify the date on which the recovery should start[/td]

    [td] Remarks, if any[/td]

    [td]Recover from Salary[/td]
    [td] Whether the amount recover from salary or not?[/td]

    Advance Type Type of the advance
    Date Date on which the advance is given to employee
    Principal Amount The actual amount given

    Calculate the interest for an employee:

    1. Go to Salary > Advance
    2. Locate an employee
    3. Go to the tab 'Advance'
    4. Click on salary advance

    View the installment details of an employee:
    1. Go to Salary > Advance
    2. Locate an employee
    3. Go to the tab 'Installments'

    Update the recovery details of an employee:
    1. Go to Salary > Advance
    2. Locate an employee
    3. Go to the tab 'Recovery'
    4. Update the recovery details

    Post count: 78

    Interface to manage the Employee Bonus.

    1. Define the period and pay date for the bonus
    2. Define formula to calculate bonus

    Define a new bonus type:

    1. Go to Salary > Bonus
    2. Specify the details

    [td]Formula  [/td][td] Formula to calculate the bonus amount  [/td]
    [td] Maximum Bonus[/td][td]Amount The maximum bonus amount that can be paid  [/td]
    [td] Round Type[/td][td]Rounding option for the bonus amount. Ex: Round to two digits, round to nearest, lower or higher integer etc[/td]

    Bonus Name Name of the Bonus
    Bonus Period The period from and to for the bonus 
    Pay Date Pay date for the bonus 

    Add employees eligible for bonus:

    1. Go to Salary > Bonus
    2. Locate an bonus type
    3. Add employees to the bonus

    Recalculate the bonus:

    1. Go to Salary > Bonus
    2. Locate an bonus type
    3.Recalculate the bonus

    View the bonus details of each employee:

    1. Go to Salary > Bonus
    2. Locate an bonus type
    3. Locate an employee
    4. View the details

    Post count: 78

    H Rahul,

    Edit and delete are purposefully disabled. But, if you have made a mistake, our support team can correct that for you.

    Please give us an online access to your desktop.


    Post count: 78

    Configure notification when communication with attendance device is disrupted for a long time:
    1. Go to Time Registration >Time Registration Settings 
    2. Go to tab 'Alerts'
    3. Locate the alert
    4. Select the recipient   
        – Send SMS to users
          * Modify the subject and content part using predefined variables
          *  Select the users
        – Send email to users
          * Modify the subject and content part using predefined variables
          *  Select the users
    5. Save

    You can also configure notification when employee punches IN or OUT:
    1. Go to Time Registration >Time Registration Settings 
    2. Go to tab 'Alerts'
    3. Locate the alert
    4. Select the recipient       
    5. Save


    Post count: 78

    Allow to view the employee details those who are reporting to users:
    1. Go to Administration > Administration Settings
    2. Go to tab 'Settings'

    Configure a welcome message for newly joined employees:

    1. Go to Administration > Administration Settings
    2. Go to tab 'Alerts'. Locate the alert
    3. Select the recipient
        -> Send email to employee
              Modify the subject and content part
        -> Send SMS to employee
              Modify the message part
    4. Save the changes


    Post count: 78


    Copy Users

    Copy Users copies the registration details to any other devices placed in different locations. This would help the employees to punch in any location. This module also deletes the registration details from any device.

    Copy the registration details from one device to other devices:
    1. Go to Time Registration > Copy Users
    2. Copy registration details

    Please find the attachment for more…


    Post count: 78

    Attendance History
    This feature shows the complete history of attendance module. It gives the details about all modifications on attendance data.

    View attendance history:
    1. Go to Attendance > Attendance History

    Export attendance history:
    1. Go to Attendance > Attendance History
    2. Locate the history
    3. Export to excel

    Post count: 78

    It is so simple, just do the following things

    1. In the Leave module, add a new Holiday, click 'Next' button, check the checkbox showing in the wizard and click 'Finish' button.
    2. Go to Entitlements, select employees and assign that holiday type to employees.
    3. Go to leave settings, Check the box 'Enable holiday picker in Employee Self Service'.
    4. Go to Administration module, Click ESS rights, Select employee group and enable the holiday picker option.

    Then the manager will get a request and he can approve the holiday request.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)