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    • gagan
      Post count: 4

      In your reports you have an option to print lists department wise- ideally we should have a option to print reports the way we like it. It could be by department, could be by employee type, by company and so on and so forth. This is specially important in salary and other reports too. There are different places where you need different reports. The payroll guys are interested in employee types only, whereas management is interested to see how many and how much they are spending on a section (department) or branch rather than the type of employee. Basically, what I am saying we should be able to choose at field level what we need in our reports.

      Another suggestion is that most of the modern day softwares provide for report writer in their software, where companies can make and build their own reports and formats. This could be a useful addition.



    • gagan
      Post count: 4

      I would like to generate a report showing the supervisor- employee list as
      well as the attendance in the same format too. This is important, as I told
      you we have some contract labour, which works under a contractor. We need to
      be able to generate reports for this relationship.

      The system allows me to create this relationship vide the hierarchy model, however, no reports reflect this relationship. This is mostly true, where we do need attendance of all in the factory, however no payments are actually being made to them. The payment is collected by the contractor only based on the job finished (piece wages).



    • Biju
      Post count: 220

      Dear Gagan,

      The first version of Report Builder is released. You can find the update at the link below:

      Now you can make your own reports.

      More features will be added to the report builder in the upcoming releases.

      Best Regards,
      Biju George

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