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Hi Khalid,

Defining salary formula is as simple as in Excel. So, you need to specify how exactly you want the salary to be calculated.

The WYSIWYG(What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) Formula editor enables you to specify the formula according to your requirement.

When you make a salary group, if you want to pay Rs. 5000 as Basic Pay. All you have to do is specify Basic Pay as a Fixed Value.

But as you mentioned, you want to calculate Basic Pay according to the number of days worked.

So, you need to define the formula, as below:
Basic Pay = [Value]/[Days In Period]* [Days Worked]

Where [Value] is the figure you defined with Basic Pay
[Days In Period] is the Number of days in your salary period.
[Days Worked] is the Number of days worked as per the attendance module.

The second video in the link below should help you with this.

Should you require any further assistance do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,
Biju George