HR, Payroll, Attendance Software Forums Lenvica HRMS Make a Suggestion Notification, direct link to open and list at one place as reminder Re: Notification, direct link to open and list at one place as reminder

Post count: 24

I tried opening one notification by clicking/double clicking on it. hahaha. Then i felt it'd be good if you add this facility there in the list itself (at software startup). And also if there's one place where the notification is listed and is flashing to remind the user of the things to take care of.

Sorry, writing in a hurry, so not elaborating here. I hope u understand what i'm talking about. If required i'll explain later.


I think there should be link in the listed items, in the notification window, leading to the corresponding action that is required to be taken by the manager/user. Like. employee birthday notification should lead to, if we click/double click on it, the page from where we can mail a birthday greeting (It'll be best if it's automatic, i mean birthday greeting message should automatically reach the employee with any defined text or ecard template) to the employee and a notification to all the concerned employee(defined, like his managers and colleagues i his department). Leave request notification should lead to, after clicking/double clicking, the page where we take of this application, ie; accept or reject the application. These are the two examples i've mentioned because i've these two things flashing in my system. There may be more. And there should be one common place, easily accessible, for these notifications so that we can check these and take suitable actions whenever required. In fact these should be flashing somewhere to constantly remind the user/manager for action.

I hope i'm clear now.
