Post count: 25

Dear Ken,

Thanks you so much for posting your concerns in our forum.

1) Connecting CP Plus Device:

You can download CP Plus testing tool from the link below:

Use this tool to confirm if the PC environment is sufficient to connect to a CP Plus Device.

On information on how to configure CP Plus Device please visit the link to the forum post below:,2665.msg3321.html#msg3321

2) If you register the employee in A CP Plus Device you cannot transfer the fingerprint templates to MultiBio 700 as they are from the Manufacturer ZK.

You can only use this feature for devices from the same manufacturer. i.e. You can move between the Multibio 700 Devices or you can move from a CP Plus device to another CP Plus Device. This is because the algorithm structure of fingerprint storage is unique for each manufacturer.

Please do let us know if you have any more queries or concerns on the same subject.

Abhishek Nair
Lenvica Support