Vinod Krishnan
Post count: 9

A rotating shift schedule is a job schedule in which employees work one set of hours for a period and then rotate to a different set of hours. Rotating shift schedules typically divide the work day into three 8-hour periods.

A standard shift schedule involves three work shifts: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 3 to 11 p.m., and 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This schedule allows facilities to remain open around the clock. With a rotating shift schedule, each employee would work one shift for a certain number of weeks and then move onto a different shift. The shifts rotate at regular intervals so that each employee works each shift for the same amount of time.

We can schedule rotating shift in Lenvica HRMS. This can be done by going to the Roster module then create a Shift Day programme according to the timing. After that we have to create a Shift pattern i.e how many batches are there and how frequently does the shift change. After that we simply have to assign this Shift Pattern in the Shift Planner module (department wise or location wise).

I hope that I could answer your query