Rijo Pappachan
Post count: 92

Hi Bobby,

You can import employee details from excel sheet using ‘import’ feature of employee module. 
Location: Employee > Import

Please note the below points when you prepare the document,
1. The import excel document should be in .csv format
2. Employee ID, First Name, Department, Location, Date of Joining are mandatory and it should be filled in the import excel document.
3. Date of joining should be in the format DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY and it should be same as the system date format.
4. Location and department names should be same as in Employer module if it’s already filled.

You can download a sample excel import document from the link below,

Alternatively you can get an import document template from the ‘Import’ folder of Lenvica HRMS installation folder.

Go through the link below to see a video of import process,

Hope this helps!
