HR, Payroll, Attendance Software Forums Lenvica HRMS Ask a Question How to ensure the database security of Lenvica HRMS time attendance software! Reply To: How to ensure the database security of Lenvica HRMS time attendance software!

Vineeth Jose
Post count: 49

Database is very critical. Hence, we must adopt measures to ensure its safety from cases of system crash, data theft, corruption etc. Here are a few points that you must note.

1. Establish strong passwords
Implementing strong passwords is the easiest thing you can do to strengthen your security. Do not share the passwords with other users. Lenvica HRMS keeps history of changes that have been made the software, if anyone attempting to tamper the DB works using your credentials then it may mislead.

2. Put up a strong firewall
In order to have a properly protected network, firewalls are must. So it reduces attempts to risk the safety of DB from outside or even internal networks.

3. Install antivirus protection
Antivirus and anti-malware software are essentials in your arsenal of online security weapons, as well.

4. Update AtttendHRM software and other related OS or system security programs regularly
Making sure Lenvica HRMS time attendance software and other crucial programs in the server are updated is a necessary step towards being fully protected. With each patch, Lenvica HRMS team make changes to cop with the current set of security threats.

5. Secure your Computers, Laptops
Your computers and laptops from where you access the software must be well protected. You mustn’t provide unattended access to others either physically or through remote desktop sharing tools.

6. Backup Lenvica HRMS Database regularly
Servers should have a complete backup weekly, and incremental backups every night.
Scheduling regular backups to an external hard drive, or in the cloud, is an easy and the most effective way to ensure that all your data is stored safely. You must schedule for the automatic backup at least twice a day in the Lenvica HRMS time attendance software. It will automatically run and store the database in the location you have specified.

7. Monitor diligently
Physical security must be ensured. You can setup access control to server rooms, cctv cameras etc to ensure this.

8. Educate your employees
Teaching your employees about safe online habits and proactive defense is crucial.
Make sure your employees understand how important your company’s data is, and all the measures they can take to protect it.