HR, Payroll, Attendance Software Forums Lenvica HRMS Ask a Question How to create users in Lenvica HRMS and specify roles particular to them? Reply To: How to create users in Lenvica HRMS and specify roles particular to them?

Vineeth Jose
Post count: 49


Thank you for reaching to us with your concern!

Lenvica HRMS allows to create separate user accounts for each staff who is accessing the software. Specific roles for each user can be setup using the User rights option under Administration module. Separate user accounts help Lenvica HRMS to provide reference to the admin users by saving the log of changes done in Lenvica HRMS by each user separately under ‘Attendance History’ and ‘Salary History’.

Creating a software user account and assigning rights can be done in three steps listed below:

1. Under Administration module, click on Users. You can add a new user in the ‘Users’ tab. Username, password, mapping the employee to the user account created etc can be done on this screen.

2. Go to User Groups under Administration module. The new user account created can be included in any of the user groups listed there or you can create a new user group and include this user in that.

3. Assign the module rights under ‘User Rights’ screen in Administration module. Based on the role specified for this user, you may enable, disable access to various modules in Lenvica HRMS or you can use ‘read only’ option which restricts the users from making any changes but just viewing it.

User rights are not specified directly for the user accounts we have created but for the User groups in which we put the users in the second step. This makes it easy to club the users with similar roles and manage the rights. For e.g. Users who handle salary related tasks can be clubbed under one user group called ‘Salary Team’ and then specific rights for this group can be given under User Rights screen. If you make attendance module as read only for this group then all users who belong to that particular group will only be able to view attendance but not make any changes there.

The help video link below explains in detail how you can configure a new user account and specify the rights for it. Please check the same.

I hope this answers your question.

Should you require any further clarifications, you are welcome to use the forum.