Earned Leave(EL) also called Privilege Leave is a leave earned by an employee for the period worked. An employee usually is eligible for earned leave only after he completes 240 days of work with the company. And he usually earns one Earned Leave for every 20 days of work. These figures may vary according to company policy. The accumulated Earned Leaves can be used for vacation or travel.
Earned Leave Entitlements
Your employer assigns Earned Leave entitlements to you as you complete certain number of days of work. If your Earned Leaves are not utilized, the balances are either encashed or carry forwarded to the next year based on the Earned Leave Policy of your company. You can track Earned Leave balance, credit and usage on your Employee Self Service Portal.

How to apply for a Earned Leave?
The Employee Self Service Portal allows you to raise Earned Leave applications from your mobile phone. Check your Earned Leave Balance before making a new application.

Earned Leave Approval
When you apply for a Earned Leave, your manager receives a notification, and either approves or rejects it.

Once approved or rejected, you will get a notification from the system. If your application is approved, your attendance will be updated automatically.

Earned Leave Rules
Earned Leaves rules can vary according to company policy. Some of the rules usually found with casual leave are below:
- You have to work for at least 240 days to be eligible for Earned Leave
- Earned Leaves can be clubbed with any other leaves like Sick Leave
- An Earned Leave entitlement will be credited on completion of 20 days of work
- No Earned Leave entitlements during probationary period
- Earned Leaves can be carry forwarded to the next year
- Earned Leaves can be encashed
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