Lenvica HRMS can communicate with Time Attendance/Access Control devices. Employees use these devices to Punch IN when they arrive at work and Punch OUT when they leave the work place. If you are using a Time Attendance Device to capture IN/OUT times from employees, the device usually has a button for IN and another button for OUT.

If you are using an Access Control device which controls a door, there are usually one device dedicated for IN and another devices dedicated for OUT.

Dedicating Devices for IN or OUT Punches
If you are using a Time Attendance Device and you want to dedicate the device for IN or OUT, the software has an option to do so.

Punching IN/OUT for Shifts
When your employees work on multiple shifts a day, it’s recommended to have dedicated devices for IN and OUT, especially when you have overnight shifts. With Shift Detect, the software can automatically detect the shift the employee is working on; proper IN/OUT data is mandatory in this scenario as well.
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