Employee Retention

Employee retention refers to an organization's ability to retain its employees over a certain period of time. It is the process of maintaining a stable workforce by minimizing employee turnover and retaining talented individuals within the organization. Here are some key points about employee retention: 1) Importance: Employee retention is crucial for organizations [...]

Employee Retention

Back Pay (Arrear)

Back pay, often referred to as arrears, is a term in human resources that denotes the compensation owed to an employee for work performed in the past but not paid during the regular payroll cycles. This situation may arise due to various reasons, such as payroll errors, retroactive adjustments, contractual changes, or corrections in [...]

Back Pay (Arrear)

Different overtime rates for different days

In the previous videos, we were automating the calculation of overtime. The automation is working well, but we have different overtime rates for weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. In my company, we pay weekday overtime at 125% of the employee’s hourly rate. Saturday overtime is paid at 150%, Sunday Overtime is paid at 200% [...]

Different overtime rates for different days

Increasing overtime rate with duration

In the previous videos, we were automating the calculation of overtime. The automation is working well, but we need to add a new criterion to our overtime calculation; if an employee works for more than 2 hours of overtime in a day, we want to pay the first 2 hours of overtime at 1.5 [...]

Increasing overtime rate with duration


Appraisee refers to the individual who undergoes an appraisal or evaluation process. They are the subject of assessment, and their performance, skills, or qualities are being evaluated by others, such as supervisors, managers, or evaluators. The appraisee is typically an employee or a person involved in a professional or organizational setting. During the [...]


How to calculate Income Tax Liability

This help document describes how you can calculate Tax Liability from Income Tax using an online income tax calculator. Step 1: Open the income tax calculator Step 2: Fill in Basic Details Step 3: Key in your Salary Details Step 4: Declare your investments [...]

How to calculate Income Tax Liability

How to save income tax using the Income Tax Calculator

Introducing a web portal for salaried employees to calculate income tax with data from their pay slips. Save tons of tax using the Income Tax Calculator.  Let's find out how easy it is to use the calculator to calculate Income Tax. Step 1: Open the income tax calculator Step [...]

How to save income tax using the Income Tax Calculator

Fully Automated Overtime Calculation

Is it really possible to fully automate your overtime calculation? Even when you have thousands of employees, working in different shifts, drawing different salaries, having different designations? Yes, it's possible. You need an overtime calculation software and time attendance devices to fully automate your payroll and overtime calculations. Now, we are going to consider [...]

Fully Automated Overtime Calculation
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