HR, Payroll, Attendance Software Forums Lenvica HRMS Ask a Question How are pay periods determined? Can we pay bi-weekly using payroll software? Reply To: How are pay periods determined? Can we pay bi-weekly using payroll software?

Vineeth Jose
Post count: 49

A pay period or salary period is a recurring length of time over which employee time is recorded and paid for the work done. Examples of pay periods are weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly. Pay periods are determined by the employers and as per their company policies, it may vary for each company.

Lenvica HRMS payroll software lets user to pay wages daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc. Pay period is user defined in Lenvica HRMS payroll software. In salary module, user can create salary period of any duration and therefore process salary of employees for the specified duration. Payroll and attendance are interlinked in Lenvica HRMS HR software. Lenvica HRMS payroll software picks attendance corresponding to the pay period you have defined to process the payroll. If it is weekly pay period, then the various attendance variables that may have been used in formula for payroll processing, like work time, overtime, late-in, early-out etc will be of that particular week defined as the pay period only.