HR, Payroll, Attendance Software Forums Lenvica HRMS Ask a Question Salary isn’t calculated according to attendance.. Re: Salary isn’t calculated according to attendance..

Post count: 24

Dear Mr. Biju,

Thanks for the solution. But, i feel it should have been automatic. Means, salary for every month should be calculated automatically according to the person's attendance. Users should only give formula for the calculation of salary components. I'm sure, any new user would have the same confusion.

However, i've one more question. Suppose i want to calculate each component of the salary on some particular formula. If i don't want to put any fixed figure for Basic. Instead, i want the Basic to be 40-50% of Gross Salary and some of the components should be calculated at some %age of Basic, rest should be fixed, the balance amount should go to the Other Allowance component of salary. Can i do it? I've entered formula for components that are calculated based on Basic..
