Post count: 54


It seems that the work plan(shift) is not assigned for that employee.

If there is no work plan, then the system will expect minimum 2 punches per day for the attendance, otherwise it'll be marked as 'Missing Punch'.

I would prefer you to create work plan and assign employees to the corresponding plan.

But one more solution is available, i.e to change the attendance import settings.

1. Goto Attendance -> Attendance Settings -> Click 'Import' tab
2. Select the 3rd option "Consider all entries for work hours" and set other required parameters and save the settings.
3. Clear Attendance data using 'Clear Data'
4. Open Attendance screen to re-import the data into attendance using the new settings.

This will import the data as 'Work Time' or 'Overtime' as per your settings.

I hope this will help you to solve the issue.

If you require more assistance, don't hesitate to contact us…..
