Report on Leave Entitlement Status shows the leave balance as on today. Also shows summary on entitlements received, leaves taken, leaves encashed, and so on.

Step 1: Pick the leave types

Leave Type

Step 2: Pick the year

The report, by default, shows data as on Today.


Step 3: Pick Employees


Step 4: Click ‘Finish’ to generate the report

Generate report

The report shows leave balance as on Today.

Leave Entitlement Status Report

If you want to generate the report with a history on Leave Entitlements, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Pick the leave types

Leave type

Step 2: Pick the year

Choose ‘Include History’ to show a history of changes to the entitlement for the year.

Year and history

Step 3: Pick Employees


Step 4: Click ‘Finish’ to generate the report

Generate report

The report shows leave balance with a history of changes to the leave entitlements in the past.

Leave Entitlement Status report with history

As per company policy, leave balance may be required to apply for leaves. Lenvica HRMS allows you to specify leave entitlements for each month upfront. Alternatively, Lenvica HRMS can automatically allocate leave entitlements to employee based on certain criteria.