Holiday Picker allows you to pick your holidays.

Your manager should define the holidays before you can pick them. The manager usually defines the holidays at the beginning of the year. The manager may define more holidays than you are allowed to take. This gives you the opportunity to pick the ones you like.

To pick holidays, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Leave > HolidayHoliday Picker
apply holiday leave
apply holiday leave
apply holiday leave

2. The holidays defined by your manager may be organized under different Holiday Types. Choose the Holiday Type you want to pick Holidays from

holiday picker

3. Now, pick the holidays and click Apply

holiday picker

Your request is now forwarded to your manager. On approval from your Manager, the holidays are assigned to your calendar.

E.g: The manager defines 15 holidays for the year and allows you to pick 10 out of them. The manager may allow some holidays to be pickable, while some other holidays may not be pickable but mandatorily assigned to your calendar.

Holiday List

Look at the Holiday List to see a list of Holidays already approved for you.

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